Five things to take with you on a flight

Text: Annikky Lamp Photos: Alphacolor, Pixabay Published: 30 / nov / 2017

Article was published in Nordica´s in-flight magazine Time Flies  (autumn-winter 2017).

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1. A book

Of the people I know, 97% complain about not having enough time to read. A long flight is the ideal solution to this problem, since the number of productive activities is limited on the aeroplane anyway, and it is relatively calm in this part of the world, because the Nordic passengers usually do not tend to interact with their neighbours (if it is not quiet enough, see item no 3)

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2. A scarf

I do not remember a flight where the temperature in the cabin would have been just right. Certainly there have been some, but I can only remember the arctic and tropical conditions. You can get cooler by removing clothing, but that is not the point here. If you get too cold it is good to put on some extra clothing, but how much? A solution to this problem is a big scarf, preferably a cashmere because it is warm, but not too thick or heavy.

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3. Headphones

Sometimes there are situations where reading is not an option: severe eye disease or  a severe reading slump, for example. In this case, an intelligent podcast is an accept-able alternative. In addition, good, noise-cancel-ling headphones can help if you really want to read, but the annoying passenger next to you or the noise from the engines will not let you.

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4. Snacks

I know, there are usually some snacks on the plane. But who knows when you will finally get them! Sometimes you have to sit a long time before the plane even starts moving. Therefore, you should always have some nuts or other snacks with you – a drastic de-crease in blood sugar is the biggest enemy of civilization.

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5. Lotion

One cannot always trust the what the international beauty gurus say, but they are all right about one thing – flying really does dry the skin. Sometimes skin on your face even becomes irritated form dehydration, so you should always bring a good moisturising lotion on board (and no, I do not see any reason why men should not use a moisturiser).